Are You a Pebble Too?

Some say, “happiness is beautiful” but I would agree to disagree; sadness is what is beautiful. Happiness can be found everywhere and so can sadness, one can find happiness in small things and so can sadness be found in the smallest of places; which in reality, we usually find more often than finding happiness, but of course very unconsciously. We don’t consciously look for it, but it’s just there, like the tiny particles of dust floating around.
We look at a rock and feel nothing, but have you ever thought of his loneliness and his separation from his mountain? We never look for sadness but we always look for happiness, maybe the rock came tumbling down to look for a companion and landed on the seabed and now we see it as a pebble amongst other black, white, brown, and gray pebbles in the sea irrelevant to our thoughts and disparate from our happiness, or maybe perhaps it is a shiny clear diamond amongst other black carbon formation in the pit of a mountain and we find happiness in it thinking of its value for money and how we could bejewel it and adorn it on our slender rings and necks. But we still never take heed to that gray rock that crossed a whole mountain tumbled from the hill and landed on the base of a river but rather we give all our love to a mere rock that looks shiny and is lazy in nature whilst it was a quantum of carbon formation that turned into something shiny while staying just at one place with no movement or any internal effort. Whereas the tiny voracious rock is ignored for its color and irrelevance to your thought, just the mere nature of it’s tedious task and adventures is ignored unlike in our human civilised society where we take pleasure in adventures and praise people for their adventures and how much they have done to get at a place in life and simply ignore the people who simply do nothing and ignore their surroundings and put no effort in their growth but sit at one single place for years to come and get influenced by an outside force and it’s pressure. It’s almost romantic how we are such a hypocritical species that does one thing and preaches another and finds comfort in things that are more materialistic and run after things that don’t really want us and ignore things that actually do.
We are that tiny broken rock that is separated from it’s mountain and it’s base to achieve great heights, we move to different places that we fancy from the outside and when we actually reach it, all we are is a pebble in a sea full of pebbles.
Maybe we could find great peaks by staying at one place in the same surrounding, just by being pressured by an outer force, and become a diamond someday. (I mean, the human body is an organic compound, right?) (Say whaaaat! Organic Chemistry classes paid off, my professor would be proud, I used that knowledge somewhere)
But in reality, we are all full of (often) incongruous elements that make some of us pebbles, some of us turn into rubies, some into aquamarines, some turn to pearls, and some end up being a slow-cooked-medium-rare steak. But maybe, that is the goal of our life, to be slow-cooked, roasted, baked, burned in a tandoor perhaps.
The least we can do is to find happiness in the warmth of the tandoor, the pleasure of giving someone else one, or just being content in the merry-go-round of a ride in a microwave and go “woo hoo-ho-hoo”.